QWhat are your check-in and check-out times?
ACheck-in is from 15:00, and check-out by 10:00.
QDo you offer early check-in?
AEarly check-in is subject to availability. Please contact the hotel directly.
QDo you offer late check-out?
AEarly check-in is subject to availability. Please contact the hotel directly.
QIs internet connection available?
AFree Wi-Fi connection is available in all guest rooms.
The password for connection can be found in your room guide, or just ask someone at reception.
QWhat are your guest room amenities?
AGuest rooms are equipped with bath towels, face towels, bath mats, nightwear, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, toothbrush sets, and slippers.
Razors, hairbrushes, cosmetic cotton, and cotton swab are provided at the reception desk free of charge.
QIs there a refrigerator in the guest room?
AGuest rooms are equipped with an empty refrigerator.
QIs there a safe-deposit box in the guest room?
ASafe-deposit boxes are not available.
Guests are asked to look after their own belongings.
QDo you have rooms with a separate bath and toilet?
AAll rooms other than universal access rooms (standard double, standard twin, moderate double, moderate twin, superior twin) have separate bathrooms and toilets.
QDo you have smoking rooms?
AAll guest rooms are non-smoking.
A designated smoking area is available on the first floor.
QDo you have large family rooms that can accommodate many adults?
AWe do not have any rooms for large groups.
The superior twin can sleep up to three people.
QDo you offer parking?
AThe hotel does not have a parking lot.
Please use public transport.
QDo you charge extra if my child and I sleep in the same bed?
AThe overnight charge is free for a child of elementary school age or younger (up to 12 years old) sleeping with you in the same bed.
An adult charge applies if your child needs separate bedding.
QIs there a convenience store nearby?
AThere is both a Seven-Eleven and a Lawson nearby (2-minute walk).
QWhen do I settle the room charge?
APlease settle your room charge at check-in.
QWhat is your cancellation policy?
AAs a rule, cancellations are free up to 2 days before check-in.
Cancellations made 1 day before check-in will incur a 20% charge, and those made on the day of check-in an 80% charge.
No-shows will incur a 100% charge.
For group reservations of 15 guests or more, please contact your agency or the hotel directly.
For reservation plans with a separate cancellation policy, the relevant policy will apply.
QCan I leave my luggage at the hotel before check-in and after check-out?
AReception will be happy to store your luggage upon request.
Note, however, that valuables are your own responsibility.
QCan I send my luggage to the hotel before I arrive?
APlease contact the hotel in advance.
We are happy to store your luggage until check-in, with the exception of valuables, food, and dangerous items.
Include your check-in date and reservation name on the shipping label, and address your package to the hotel.